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Best TV Channels to Watch on Shrooms

When you’re on a magic mushroom trip, the right visual and auditory stimulation can elevate your experience to new heights. TV channels with vivid visuals, surreal storytelling, and mind-expanding content can complement the trip, amplifying the feelings of wonder and awe that come with a psilocybin journey. Here are some of the best TV channels to watch on shrooms, curated to enhance your psychedelic experience.

1. Adult Swim

If you’re in the mood for bizarre, abstract, and often mind-bending entertainment, Adult Swim is a top pick. Known for its late-night animated shows, the channel’s unconventional humor and psychedelic visuals make it a favorite among trippers.

Recommended Shows:

  • The Midnight Gospel – This surreal series takes viewers on a meditative journey through multiple dimensions. Its cosmic visuals and philosophical conversations are perfect for deep trips.
  • Rick and Morty – With space-time travel, alternate realities, and existential humor, this show offers a mix of intense visuals and mind-blowing concepts.

2. National Geographic is Best TV Channels to Watch on Shrooms

If you’re looking to connect with nature during your trip, National Geographic is a go-to channel. Its stunning nature documentaries offer a visual feast of colors, animals, and breathtaking landscapes that align with the organic, earth-centric vibe of a mushroom trip.

Recommended Shows:

  • One Strange Rock – Hosted by Will Smith, this series dives into the mysteries of Earth and the cosmos, offering thought-provoking insights and awe-inspiring visuals.
  • Planet Earth – Explore the beauty and complexity of life on Earth, from underwater marvels to high-altitude vistas. The sheer beauty of nature is amplified while tripping on shrooms.

3. Cartoon Network

For a lighter, more playful experience, Cartoon Network offers vibrant, colorful animations that can evoke nostalgia and joy. The whimsical nature of cartoons makes them an excellent option for those seeking positive vibes while under the influence of magic mushrooms.

Recommended Shows:

  • Adventure Time – Enter the Land of Ooo with its bizarre creatures and magical lands. Adventure Time’s charming and oddball adventures are perfect for a feel-good trip.
  • Steven Universe – This show’s heartwarming messages, coupled with its dreamy animation style, make it a wholesome experience for anyone seeking emotional connection during a psychedelic trip.

4. MTV Classic

If you want to dive into music videos, MTV Classic provides a mix of classic hits, music video artistry, and nostalgic vibes. Music combined with psychedelic visuals creates a powerful experience that can bring out waves of emotions and heightened sensory perception.

Recommended Shows:

  • MTV Unplugged – Acoustic performances from legendary artists can provide an intimate, soulful experience that resonates with your emotions.
  • Classic 90s Music Videos – The vibrant and often abstract visuals of classic 90s music videos are great for visual stimulation and mood elevation.

5. BBC Earth

For those looking to ground their trip in nature, BBC Earth offers some of the best documentary-style programming about life on our planet. The detail, color, and beauty of the natural world will leave you in awe and wonder.

Recommended Shows:

  • Blue Planet – Dive deep into the underwater world and witness the mysteries of the ocean. The dreamlike quality of marine life can create a calming, reflective trip experience.
  • Life – Experience the drama and beauty of nature with David Attenborough’s soothing narration. The stunning visuals are sure to captivate your psychedelic senses.

6. Discovery Channel

If you’re interested in expanding your mind while learning something new, Discovery Channel offers educational and visually rich programming. Its shows on science, space, and the natural world will spark curiosity and intrigue while you’re on shrooms.

Recommended Shows:

  • Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking – Take a deep dive into the mysteries of the universe, from black holes to parallel dimensions, as you contemplate the vastness of existence.
  • MythBusters – If you prefer something light but stimulating, MythBusters’ fun approach to science and experimentation can entertain while also engaging your mind.


For those wanting to push the boundaries of reality and explore fringe cultures or psychedelic science, VICE TV is the perfect fit. VICE’s unconventional documentaries offer fresh perspectives and in-depth explorations into mind-altering substances, making it a great choice for someone looking to learn about the world while tripping.

Recommended Shows:

  • Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia – Hosted by Hamilton Morris, this show explores the history, chemistry, and cultural impact of psychoactive substances, including magic mushrooms.
  • Weediquette – Explore the cannabis industry, drug culture, and human stories that provide insight into the shifting landscape of legal and illegal substances.

8. Netflix (Honorable Mention)

While not a traditional TV channel, Netflix is home to a treasure trove of trippy shows and documentaries. For those with access, the streaming service offers a mix of original content and classic series that are sure to enhance any shroom trip.

Recommended Shows:

  • The OA – A mind-bending story that blends reality, other dimensions, and metaphysical exploration. The show’s trippy visuals and mysterious plotlines are perfect for introspective journeys.
  • Fantastic Fungi – A beautiful documentary that explores the role fungi play in the ecosystem and how they connect all living things. This film is especially relevant for mushroom enthusiasts!

Conclusion on Best TV Channels to Watch on Shrooms

The best TV channels to watch on shrooms are those that engage your senses, evoke emotion, and transport you to new realms of thought. Whether you’re in the mood for nature, surreal animation, or introspective documentaries, these channels will enhance your psychedelic experience. Remember to set up a cozy, safe environment before diving into your trip, and let the magic of psilocybin and TV visuals take you on an unforgettable journey.

For more insight into the world of magic mushrooms and psilocybin, visit Trippy Tranz for all your psychedelic needs.

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